Friday, September 26, 2008



Friday, September 12, 2008

(FREE LUNCH) Is a social and artistic movement focused on shedding light on social issues via a creative medium...metaphor of the free lunch school program intended to for the underpriviliged....wanting to give home to those in need as activists and artists.....modeled simply as a movement to equalize the unequal standards in society....hoping to encourage and promaote those felt left out of superficial mainstream expectations and opportunities...happy to support creative efforts from all genres..wanting to be known for making the lines on the box flexible.. .. here to welcome freethinkers... world changers and those who reperesent themselves and their communities through their artistry or activism.......

Thursday, September 11, 2008

my name is evans c. smith i'm a sketchbook artist and painter............ my medium is whatever i can get my hands on. markers, pencils, paint. i do what comes to mind. hope you like it! oh and im the founder and owner of free lunch records! and blac frog custom t-shirt designs coming very soon!